The name is based on an ancient quinary material system of “five elements” which comes from earliest philosophy “YinYang” a binary theory explaining the world. This theory believes that the world is built by “YingYang”,as entia of contradictions. Depending on the dominance of each “thing”, they create five elements:Wood,Metal,Fire,Water,Earth
木曰“曲直”. 好华美,且具有风雅的个性.木性代表仁,就是又慈爱,又行善的意思.
火曰“炎上”. 性情急躁,而富有自尊心.火性代表礼,就是为人谦让谨慎,敬上而不欺下
土曰“稼穑”. 性情温厚笃实,而具有自信心.土性代表信,就是又诚实又温厚诚恳之意.
金曰“从革”. 性情刚强,而具有自尊心,金性代表义,就是崇善弃恶,事事都顺理.
水曰“润下”. 人聪明,并能推测事物.水性代表智, 就是观察事物详细,对于任何事能预知前兆,善理权谋术事.